This morning we kicked off with the Regatta; a TYW tradition where we race other boats for the coveted award of bragging rights and a free pair of Blenders sunglasses.
Our group’s chosen theme for Regatta was Burning Man/Mad Max so we constumed up appropriately:
After an epic image of all 21 yachts sailing together side by side — competing against one another for the best energy and vibe . . .
. . . While some of us spent the rest of the morning enjoying the peace of natural tranquility and a cooked meal onboard . . .
. . . I was instead summoned by Jeanette multiple times to treat the wounded (when Alice can’t be found, I guess I’m backup). One really looked like a trip-ending injury, but MacGuyver level healthcare + genetic healing factors prevailed and I like to say I know what I’m doing at this point with emergency wound care.
We always make sure the show would go on:
Eschewing docking in a marina today, our yachts arrived into the isolated inlets of Spargi and linked up in two rows for “the tunnel” to create a floating outdoor festival:
This is where you start taking photos for everyone back home to be jealous of:
No land? No problem. I get out my camera when childhood introversion hits me as the floaties come out:
Because even when I feel withdrawn at times during my travels, this is nevertheless a vibe in of itself:
After a few hours diving and lounging on the water, we retrieved back our floaties and relaxed by sunset:
Time to really really get to know each other:
As the stars came out, some of us went to other yachts to party, some stayed on our yachts to party, and some just lied back and watched shooting stars until we slept into the next morning.
I tried to go to bed early at 11:30pm to let everyone have their fun without me bouncing around (and I was also dead tired), but nooooo, someone would wake me up a little over an hour later due to a miscommunication over medication redosing and I guess that was a sign to stay up with everyone else. “Calvin Sun has entered the chat.”
I felt it was at this point a “splice” occurred where the universe would intercede on our behalf. Whether by divine intervention by way of a rabbit’s foot or that shooting star we saw, this was when we set platitudes aside, conventions and insincerities would evaporate, and true potentially everlasting bonds would begin to form. This was the night when monsooners and yacht weekers began to connect.
I mean “how could you not”:
- At time of posting in Cala Gavetta, it was 26 °C - Humidity: 74% | Wind Speed: 23km/hr | Cloud Cover: clear