A Wedding In Hawaii

A Wedding In Hawaii

  17 months ago I attended a wedding in Srinagar, India hosted by the Dar family. And 17 hours ago I attended another wedding in Honolulu, Hawaii hosted by another Dar family. Both unforgettable days.  
A Wedding In Hawaii

Sorta Like Deja Vu

  It would appear that fate like to play games with my travels. Two Julys ago I had been given a last-minute invitation to attend  (i.e. I crashed ) a wedding, which was hosted by a well-known Dar family in Srinagar. Last May I had been given a...
The Unexpected Aloha

The Unexpected Aloha

  Sometimes we at The Monsoon Diaries surprise even ourselves with some unplanned, last minute trips. Until approximately 48 hours ago, I had no idea would be in Hawaii. And here I am in Honolulu for 4 days. To give this context: I just completed my second year...