Who would be crazy enough to go on an international weekend trip to Barcelona & Andorra out of the blue?
Why, these 4! Although they’ve never met one another (or know one another), all are weirdly/fatefully connected to each other in some way — 3 are Columbia grads, 3 were part of the national EC/MAASU movements, 2 are OSU grads, 2 served on Columbia AAA, 2 are half-Korean, 2 are half-South Asian, 2 are half-European, 2 served on Columbia College Student Council for all 4 years. . . . Is it fate? Or are we looking way too much into things?
And for 3 days from September 10-12, we are heading out to the following places:
Interested? More details about the trip can be found here
And space is still available! Inquire within:
[contact-form to=’calvin@monsoondiaries.com’ subject=’I’m interested in Barcelona and Andorra!’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Did you read up on the trip information on the Upcoming Trips page?’ type=’radio’ options=’Yep!,Nope.’/][contact-field label=’Any specific questions or concerns before signing up?’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]