(continued) This will be the third international Muslim Desi wedding I’ve attended (the first was in Kashmir in 2011, the second in Lahore and Karachi in 2014), so I’m amused to consider myself an “expert” now.
We finish with Day 3 of a desi wedding: The Walima. This is when the groom hosts the bride’s family at their home, formally celebrating the consummation of their marriage and publicly displaying themselves as a new couple. It’s also to reassure the bride’s family that the she is safe with the groom and all is well.
It’s also where we feed ourselves with more amazing Pakistani food and celebrate one last time with the family, as well as take more dapper photos of our vain selves.
Can’t get enough of these weddings!
- At time of posting in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, it was 16 °C - Humidity: 66% | Wind Speed: 5km/hr | Cloud Cover: sunny