Well, I only arrived in the Philippines a few hours ago and I’ve already started to learn a couple of things.
1. Driving back from the airport in a van sent from the hostel/hotel, I saw a lot of fun lights, felt the warm, humid air, and felt relatively comfortable. Walking around, I noticed that there is a HUGE contrast between the rich and poor, huge hotel and homeless.
2. Just what exactly Filipino prostitutes look like: they ALL dress like school girls.
3. Thank you in tagalog is “salamat.”
3. The clubs and bars seem to love lady Gaga and unfortunately Miley Cyrus.
4. Brushing my teeth with bottled water will take some getting used to. And I have to keep reminding myself not to drink fresh water.
The Philippines are so different from what I thought that they would be. But the people are friendly and the place is beautiful, and I look forward to meeting all sorts of new people and having new experiences.
- At time of posting in Ninoy Aquino Inter-National Airport, it was 28 °C - Humidity: 88% | Wind Speed: n/a | Cloud Cover: few clouds