It feels like there’s no limit to our Yacht Week collaborations. After our book launch last September, we headed to my apartment for an afterparty where a large contingency from our Tahiti Yacht Week crew there requested to repeat the adventure in Greece.
As if videos of our prior excursions with TYW wasn’t enough to tempt anyone to return:
So after enormous successes of our partnered trips with The Yacht Week in Sardinia on September 2021, 4 months later at Saint Lucia & Martinique, and then 3 months after that in the French Polynesia, we return for the 4th time with our old friends at TYW to the Greek Islands.
It’s a lot of reunions:
- French Polynesia Yacht Week is ahead, seeing 6 returners in Megan, Amelia, Daniel, Gina, Jay, and Lyla
- One of my annual ski trips to Vermont is tied, seeing 6 returners in Koichi, Lyla, Gina, Andre, Victor, and Nicole
- Svalbard has 4 returners with Amelia, Alicia, Jeanette, and Sujay
- South Korea also has 4 returners in Christina, Jenny, Sujay, and Paul
- Sardinia Yacht Week is in third, with 3 returners in Gina, Jeanette, and Sujay
- Martinique, Saint Lucia, & Guadeloupe Yacht Week is also in third with 3 returners in Jeanette, Paul, and Koichi
- and non-trip related, the NYC Marathon is seeing 4 returners in Alicia, Gina, Mimi, and Jeanette!
Our top returners:
- Evan “The Transporter” Danek, a 7 time monsooner having visited 15+ countries with me including West Africa, Prague & Budapest, Barbados, Pakistan, Unknown UAE, Afghanistan, and Off the Coast of Eastern Africa
- Jeanette “Rock the Boat” Wong: 7 time monsooner to Svalbard, Cyprus, The Balearic Islands, Sardinia, Martinique, Saint Lucia, & Guadeloupe, Vancouver, and Wales!
- Gina “Million Dollar Wakeboarder” Fortunato, a 7 time monsooner returning from Vancouver, Vermont, Breckinridge, the Ivory Coast, French Polynesia, Sardinia and Cyprus
- Sujay “Fashionably Late” Sheth: 4 time monsooner returning from Svalbard, South Korea, Vancouver and Sardinia!
- “Tina”, a 3 time monsooner returning from South Korea, Andorra and The Palawan
- Kelly, a 3 time monsooner returning from South Korea, Japan, and The Baltic States!
- Paul “The Shaman” Woo, a 2 time monsooner returning from South Korea and St. Lucia & Martinique
- Amelia “Of Love of Kayaks”, a 2 time monsooner returning from Svalbard and French Polynesia
- Koichi “Escape LA”, a 2 time monsooner returning from Saint Lucia & Martinique, Luxembourg, Malta, & Tunisia
- Alicia “Bidet” Shi, a 2 time monsooner returning from Svalbard and Egypt 2022!
- Leslie “The Lamb Whisperer” Limo: returning from Wales
- Gul “Strawberry Acai Refresher” Fashan: returning from Wales
- Lyla “Clase Azul” Kamigaki: returning from French Polynesia
- Daniel “The Virgin” Jeng: returning from French Polynesia
- Jay “Vermut Rock” Shih: returning from French Polynesia
- Melinda “Mundari Warrior” Kwok: returning from South Sudan
- Megan “Our Favorite Bagel” Whyte: returning as our chef from our last Yacht Week trip in the French Polynesia
- Victor Tran & Nicole Ng: Ski Trip monsooners returning for their first true international Monsoon
- Mimi Chen & Gina Lee: My NYC Marathon volunteers going on their first true international monsoon
That said, we introduce our next generation of monsooners:

And where we’re actually monsooning through this coming July 2023:

We still have spots available and open up new yachts, but not for long!
Want to join us? More details about the trip can be found here: JULY 2023.